lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017

Haz - Cuban roots

A simple answer could be because I didn't want, but that is not necessarily the case.  In this story, Haz was looking for the exact reason why Mao didn't complete the ritual.  The same thing happened a night they came back from the beach and Mao invited her a bottle of wine, but he decided not to close the act either.  Nevertheless, the reasons for those two outcomes were different.  The first one was because there were other people around, and respect is before satisfying any passions.  The second one was because of a principle Mao promised to stick to:  No matter what, never sleep with someone who is sleeping with other(s).  Haz was a mix of Japanese and Cuban, interesting mix to consider, but as tempting as it sounded, it shouldn't happen at the time.

It is hard to explain that to the other side, so sometimes it is better just to stay quiet although that bounces her back to you and you have to pay for the differential karma produced by the silence, by dealing with a weakened siren.

It is interesting that in the first event in the Saga with Haz, there seemed to be a green light but external circumstances prevented the final from happening, and in the second it was a misalignment of principles the reason.  Generally speaking, when those two things converge positively, I call it The Moment, and I like to be in The Moment, I want to be in The Moment.

domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017

Ash Lee


It's all about being the star that you were meant to be.  Let yourself shine and you will attract the most beautiful people on earth.  That happened to Satyrus the night he wanted to hang out with friends and continue constructing meaningful relationships with them.  He had figured out that he was changing for good and becoming self-aware of his essence.  He and his friends went out on a horse ride around the bucolic, acid mountains of Tigris where they hoped to get in touch with nature and know themselves better while sharing some antique emulsions that a local witch had conjured.

On their barefooted walk, they founded some eroded rocks with paintings and messages on them.  The herd decided to pick them up as they found them and build a structure to honor the dead. They discussed the way to place the rocks relative to each other. They decided that the most important messages needed to be at the top of the pseudo-pyramid.  They started pulling the rocks from the structure and placing them on top.  They noticed that every stone they picked was equally or more important than the previous one, so the process became infinite.  However, before they could get to the final configuration of the tower, it would fall, and they had to start again.  They tried many times but they could not succeed by themselves.

After many trials, a beautiful lady appeared at the scene.  She approached us and introduced herself.  Her name was Ash and the first time Satyrus saw her; he could sense the profoundness of her soul through the transparency and nobility of her eyes.  She seemed to be an angel who appeared at the right time to help solve the puzzle and fill every possible emptiness in the room.  She offered to help and they explained the situation to her.  She saw the pyramid and instantly spotted a rock as if it were the most important one.  Her right hand outstretched towards it, pushing it gently outside the tower.  The message on the stone she took out read: "You will be part of this crew from now onward and will find your soul mate among them."  She felt the message and believed it was sent from the ancient gods directly to her.  She didn't share that omen until weeks later.

The crew worked intensely day after day to figure out the right arrangement for the rocks.  Nevertheless, there came a time when the band needed some relaxation time, so they decided to start a painting.  There were four people present at that moment:  Marshall, Lili, Satyrus, and Ash.  Marshall and Lili were a perfect couple, solid as a rock.  They started the painting, assigning the base colors and tonality.  Afterwards, they handed the job to Satyrus and Ash, who continued the work for years and reached the maximum expression of art that humankind had ever witnessed:

Ash and Satyrus spent day and night deliberating about their interpretations of the painting.  They enjoyed it so much that they kept talking about it forever.  In the meanwhile, they came to many conclusions, the most important one being that they were meant to be together.


jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

Mental nap

There are sometimes when your brain needs to rest. You can identify those moments when you try to multiply two numbers of one digit and obtain a result having three. Another symptom is that your short-term memory retention doesn't work properly, forgetting some names of people you meet or details you lived. As I spoke with some friends, the information era is consuming us every day more. People are getting hungrier for information and want to have in in real time. Information is there and is not right or wrong. The problem surges when it is not used appropriately or focused on the right needs. The available information on the internet is much bigger than what a person could read in his or her whole life, reading 24/7. Besides, new layers of information are added every day making it impossible to keep track of everything. That increases our anxiety for getting as much of it as possible and forgetting about the more humanitarian side of us.

For that reason, I encourage people to take some time to completely disconnect from the internet to meditate, get in touch with nature, interact with people we care about, and create a positive impact in others’ lives. In other words, endors toi and let your mind reborn powerful.

domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Pablo borns in Bethlehem

More than happy to start publishing after un buen tiempo que no lo hacía.. In this opportunity, I will tell the story about Pablo, a mythological figure who arrived after some unique phenomena happened with some satellites of different galaxies.

Pablo was living his life open to learn new things and meet people able to let him observe the world from a different perspective. In his previous life, he had been a wolf, going out at nights to find the right path and resting during mornings using some earplugs because of his noisy friends who surrounded him.

He reborn and his new environment turned to be less bucolic and more cosmetic. He stopped using his old and stinky sandals giving freedom to his naturally squared toenails to start wearing more sophisticated, colored socks and perfectly-cut hems that covered his callosum feet. He used to walk barefoot on rocks from his cave to the office or to visit his small and conservative family, who inherited an extraordinary amount of coins and had found joy in sharing the wealth with others. Nevertheless, Pablo didn't care about money and wanted to achieve happiness working on purifying his soul.

Regarding physical aspect, sadly most people around him were concerned about how they looked. Pablo noticed and classified the behavior as a large non-sense attachment that made people focus on less transcendental issues and pull earth evolution to a lower level. He had the crazy idea that if all human beings dedicated their times to working on their real happiness and freeing their souls from attachments, the world would be a much better place to live.

As he had walked in rough ways and traveled a lot around different civilizations, he could surf easily through new tendencies or waves as he called the current trends. He spoke to several people and was gifted to detect and classify, without letting anyone know, to which category did each fit. He had been thinking about himself for years, to spot all of his attachments and work on them, and was still working on his list. At this point, Pablo could say that he fits in the artistic category according to what Plato wrote in the banquet.

Pablo lived very genuinely, spoke with the people he wanted to, avoided other individuals who transmitted him lousy energy, ate moderately, meditated and practiced yoga. Friends who didn't understand his purpose and were too simplistic about life sometimes spotted and questioned him. He recognized that it was healthy for the world to be balanced with differently gifted people; otherwise, life would be boring, and learning opportunities would be less (information would be less explicit).

Pablo reflected that freedom is not always natural and many times the natural tendency is to look for a support point without notice. Those pinpoints end up influencing people with some pre-conceived ideas that they carry throughout their lives believing them as absolute. There is no such a special moment as when you meet someone who opens your eyes and takes those scalable layers out of your vision. In those moments is when you should raise your face, look straight at the person in front, and recognize him or her as part of your cosmos..

A way to distinguish that Pablo is writing: ".."
