domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017

Ash Lee


It's all about being the star that you were meant to be.  Let yourself shine and you will attract the most beautiful people on earth.  That happened to Satyrus the night he wanted to hang out with friends and continue constructing meaningful relationships with them.  He had figured out that he was changing for good and becoming self-aware of his essence.  He and his friends went out on a horse ride around the bucolic, acid mountains of Tigris where they hoped to get in touch with nature and know themselves better while sharing some antique emulsions that a local witch had conjured.

On their barefooted walk, they founded some eroded rocks with paintings and messages on them.  The herd decided to pick them up as they found them and build a structure to honor the dead. They discussed the way to place the rocks relative to each other. They decided that the most important messages needed to be at the top of the pseudo-pyramid.  They started pulling the rocks from the structure and placing them on top.  They noticed that every stone they picked was equally or more important than the previous one, so the process became infinite.  However, before they could get to the final configuration of the tower, it would fall, and they had to start again.  They tried many times but they could not succeed by themselves.

After many trials, a beautiful lady appeared at the scene.  She approached us and introduced herself.  Her name was Ash and the first time Satyrus saw her; he could sense the profoundness of her soul through the transparency and nobility of her eyes.  She seemed to be an angel who appeared at the right time to help solve the puzzle and fill every possible emptiness in the room.  She offered to help and they explained the situation to her.  She saw the pyramid and instantly spotted a rock as if it were the most important one.  Her right hand outstretched towards it, pushing it gently outside the tower.  The message on the stone she took out read: "You will be part of this crew from now onward and will find your soul mate among them."  She felt the message and believed it was sent from the ancient gods directly to her.  She didn't share that omen until weeks later.

The crew worked intensely day after day to figure out the right arrangement for the rocks.  Nevertheless, there came a time when the band needed some relaxation time, so they decided to start a painting.  There were four people present at that moment:  Marshall, Lili, Satyrus, and Ash.  Marshall and Lili were a perfect couple, solid as a rock.  They started the painting, assigning the base colors and tonality.  Afterwards, they handed the job to Satyrus and Ash, who continued the work for years and reached the maximum expression of art that humankind had ever witnessed:

Ash and Satyrus spent day and night deliberating about their interpretations of the painting.  They enjoyed it so much that they kept talking about it forever.  In the meanwhile, they came to many conclusions, the most important one being that they were meant to be together.
